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March 31, 2008

Join An Unusual Party At Marina South Promenade

Join The Party At Marina South Promenade

Situated off Marina Way, most of the northeastern part of Marina South Promenade has been sealed off for construction of the Marina Barge and the future Marina Reservoir. The path that I use starts at the junction of Marina Way and Marina Grove. After walking one hundred metres on an unpaved road that runs alongside a canal, you will reach the familiar signboard that announces the correct location.

To me, it feels like I am joining a party whenever I visit Marina South Promenade. The strong trade wind that presses your clothes and face seems like a bear hug from a long lost friend. The roar of foamy waves slapping a rocky shore sounds like your friends welcoming you. The occasional splash of salt that lands on your skin feels like the spill from an icy cold drink. You sit along the shoreline as you would on an empty space in a friend's house. The scene before your eyes is like watching your friend's vacation videos: of him whipping his fishing rod at the blue sky, trying to hook a catch while barges and ships shift gingerly to the sides, trying not to trip on his line.

The best part of this party emerges when you wake up from your dream. The promenade's still here, with the breeze, the sea, the sky and all your vibes still nice.

Take care, stay happy.

seen this scene that

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Stardust said...

You seem to adore nature too. =) I like the line that describes the wind as a friend giving a bear hug. =)

Admin said...

Yes, I like nature very much. Spending time confined within six walls pushing a pen generates a compelling urge to go outdoors.

Live life and take care.

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