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December 05, 2009

Body Worlds Cycle of Life exhibition Singapore

Body Worlds Cycle of Life exhibition Singapore

My spouse and I were rather apprehensive when we first considered bringing our three young kids to the Body Worlds and the Cycle of Life exhibition. Taboo topics like death, and views of human anatomy that would normally be hidden from public view risked being brought up and discussed.

In the end, we believed the educational merits outweighed other sensitive issues. We showed them pictures from the advertisements, sought and obtained consent from our children before paying a visit to the Body Worlds and the Cycle of Life exhibition in Singapore recently.

If you have not heard about this Body Worlds and the Cycle of Life exhibition at the Singapore Science Centre, visit the Body Worlds Singapore website for news on the bits and pieces of the real human anatomies on display.

Visitors without a medical background will not be lost in the labyrinth of tissue specimens and glass-boxed exhibits. If you take the time to watch and listen to video displays and to read the printed materials on the exhibits, the materials that are presented in a logical sequence from conception to retirement can be educational and enlightening.

Beside human bodies, there were also several breathtaking displays of animals like giraffe and horse.

Not everything displayed was focused on bodies at the Body Worlds Cycle of Life exhibition Singapore. There were panels highlighting the healthy lifestyles of centenarians and how one can keep physically and mentally protected by adopting positive dietary and lifestyle choices.

My children did not experience any nausea or vertigo before, during or after the show. Plastination, the process that transformed the real bodies into museum-quality exhibits, took away the oozy bits of blood. The good thing too was the lack of smell from the specimens.

What's left on the tables and inside glass enclosed spaces were specimens that looked like ... what's the word to describe ... models? sculptures? ... man-made objects of real (wo)men?

I must add that looking at these immortalized beings that were once confined to mortuaries and medical school dissection halls can potentially be an event of great horror, fear, irritation or other emotional feelings. 

I would classify this exhibition as an offbeat activity for the purpose of writing for Seen This Scene That. Even though it is educational in nature, only you can decide for yourself if you want to see it.

Photography and videography are not allowed at Body Worlds Cycle of Life exhibition in Singapore. 
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Seen This Scene That

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